Project Pentecost Europe website

During the years The Dutch Church of Pentecost has been blessed with a wonderfull IT support system. It helped us promoting and announcing all the activity’s and church programs not only to our own members efficiently but to the entire world. And it also made the church organisation a lot faster and easier, so that we the leaders could create more time for our members and promoting the Word of God. As a result of it, we witnessed our church growing in all different kinds of area’s. And we feel very blessed due to this. Therefore we decided to make this support system available for all the church of pentecost assembly’s in Europe.

It wasn’t easy, the past six months our IT guys have worked hard on it, and with the help of God they have been able to finish the first part of the process. Right know they are currently working hard together with all the local assembly’s in Holland, one by one, to open an account for them on the website. For some of the other country’s we have already integrated their National website. But we hope in the near future to expand this, so that each assembly their can also personaly benefit from this support system. And at the same time be connected to other assembly’s in Europe as one big Pentecost family.

So we would like to introduce to you WWW.CHURCHOFPENTECOST.EU

And we hope you like it.

preview cop eu


Want to visit Dutch Assembly on this website?

Go to

Click on Holland on the worldmap. –> Scroll down to District Den Haag, then click on Dutch Assembly.

Here you can find our upcoming programs, announcement and more details about our church.

–> To get back to our homepage click on the pentecost logo up. And don’t forget to visit other assembly’s!!

Hope you enjoyed.

Stay blessed and spread the news!!


One step closer…

Fanning the pentecostal fire to impact generations!! 😉

Do you have a few IT skills. Or do you want to help out your local assembly or more. Contact your local presiding elder/pastor and forward an email to Together we can achieve more. God bless you all.